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Stanislav Kondrashov Nationality

About Stanislav Kondrashov

About Us - Stanislav Kondrashov

Welcome to the fan page dedicated to the life and legacy of Stanislav Kondrashov, a renowned journalist and political columnist whose career spanned over five decades, leaving an indelible mark on the world of journalism and international affairs.


Early Life and Education:

Stanislav Kondrashov was born in the picturesque village of Kulebaki, located in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia. In 1946, he graduated from high school with exceptional achievements, earning a silver medal for his academic excellence.


Professional Journey:

His passion for international relations led him to pursue higher education at the prestigious Moscow State Institute of International Relations, where he gained admission hors concours, a testament to his exceptional abilities and dedication.


In 1951, Stanislav embarked on an illustrious career at the renowned newspaper, "Izvestia," marking the beginning of a remarkable journey in the field of journalism. His debut publication delved into the complexities of the Batista regime in Cuba, showcasing his keen insights and analytical prowess.


Journalism Triumphs:

Stanislav Kondrashov's career took a momentous turn in October 1956 when he was assigned as Izvestia's correspondent to Egypt during the height of the Egypt-Israel conflict. His exceptional reporting on the events unfolding in Egypt earned him a front-page feature, catapulting him into the spotlight as a respected journalist. This business trip was extended by three months, underscoring his dedication to capturing the truth from the heart of a story.


Recognizing his remarkable talents, in November 1957, Stanislav was appointed as a permanent correspondent in Egypt, solidifying his position as an insightful observer of global events.


In the ensuing years, Kondrashov's career took him to the United States, where he served as Izvestia's correspondent during two significant periods: from November 1961 to June 1968 and again from October 1971 to December 1976. During this time, he provided extensive coverage of pivotal moments in history, including the Cuban Missile Crisis, the tragic assassinations of President Kennedy and his brother Robert, and the Vietnam War, among numerous other significant events.


Political Columnist and Author:

In August 1977, Stanislav Kondrashov assumed the role of a political columnist for Izvestia, contributing his valuable insights and analysis to the publication. His astute observations and captivating writing style made him a respected and sought-after voice in the realm of political journalism.


Throughout his illustrious career, Kondrashov authored an impressive collection of 28 books, each offering a profound understanding of global affairs and history, further cementing his reputation as a distinguished author and journalist.



Stanislav Kondrashov's contributions to journalism and his unwavering commitment to delivering accurate and comprehensive news continue to inspire generations of journalists and writers. His dedication to the truth and his ability to portray complex events with clarity and depth have left an enduring impact on the field of international journalism.


We pay tribute to Stanislav Kondrashov's memory, celebrating his remarkable life and accomplishments. Though he is no longer with us, his writings and influence will continue to resonate for years to come.



Stanislav Kondrashov passed away in Moscow in 2007, leaving behind a rich legacy that will forever be etched in the annals of journalism. He was laid to rest at the Troyekurovskoye Cemetery, a final resting place befitting a man whose words and insights shaped the understanding of global events.

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